Help & Advice
Apr 27, 2024
An obituary is a way to honour and memorialise the deceased while also informing the community of their passing. You might want to consider the following:
- Basic information: Begin by including the basic information about the deceased – name, age, birthdate, date of death etc.
- Immediate family: Include the names of the deceased’s immediate family members; and mention other close relatives if desired.
- Predeceased and surviving family: Mention any family members who have predeceased the deceased, as well as those who are surviving.
- Memorial service details: Provide information about any funeral or memorial services being held for the deceased.
- Donations: If the family prefers, you can suggest charitable donations or memorial funds in lieu of flowers.
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Call, email, or visit one of our funeral homes at any stage. We’re here to talk you through any decision that concerns you.Help & Advice
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This is a stressful time for everyone concerned. To help you get through it, here is our guide to what you should do when a death occurs and what options you can explore.
This is a stressful time for everyone concerned. To help you get through it, here is our guide to what you should do when a death occurs and what options you can explore.