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Writing a Eulogy

by Abercorn Funeral Services | Apr 28, 2024

Eulogies are at the heart of your service – here are some tips to help you write one:

  • Reflect on the deceased: Reflect on the life of the deceased; consider their passions, personality, and the impact they had on others.
  • Memories and stories: Reach out to family and friends – gather their memories, anecdotes, and stories.
  • Positive attributes: Celebrate their life and how they touched the lives of others.
  • Speak from the heart: Be genuine in your expression of love and gratitude.
  • Your audience: Think about what they would want you to say. 
  • Humour/seriousness balance: Seriousness is a given, but inject some humour.
  • Express gratitude: Thank those who have supported the deceased – this may include caregivers, friends and family.

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